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Michael Simmons

SOC Analyst

Easily save and load C# classes using XML Serialization

These two functions below have saved me a lot of time, you simply create a class with variables inside it and then pass said class to the two functions below:

Example Class:

public class ExampleClass
string string1 = "testing"
decimal decimal1 = decimal.Parse("64.234234234");

Save and load functions:

public T LoadXml(string file)
var tSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(file))
return (T)tSerializer.Deserialize(streamReader);

public void SaveXml(string file, T set)
var tSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(file))
tSerializer.Serialize(streamWriter, set);

To save the class to a XML do the following:

var exampleClass = new ExampleClass();
SaveXml("Filepath", exampleClass);

To load the saved information back into the class:

var exampleClass = LoadXml("Filepath");

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